Fairview High School Band
Private Lessons
With Mid-State Auditions just months away, now is the time to get your son/daughter studying privately. Below is a list of some fabulous teachers in the Nashville area that teach privately. Keep in mind that performing at a high calibur on your instrument can get you several music scholarships, even if you don't major in music in college!
Private Teacher List
Mid-State Honor Band Audition Music!
Mid-State Audition Music is here! Auditions will take place November 19th (11th and 12th Grade Honor Band) and December 3rd (9th and 10th Grade Honor Band). Auditioning is optional, but the best of our Yellow Jacket students should plan on auditioning and representing our school at this event! Selected students will miss school January 19th and 20th with a performance on January 21st (location TBD).
The audition consists of three parts: Prepared music (linked below), Scales (Your 12 major scales and Chromatic Scales, memorized, linked below), & Sight-Reading.
Scales and Prepared Music (Be sure to print the correct music - 9/10 or 11/12)
Students are encouraged to practice music during lunch and see Mr. Judd for any help as you prepare. Private lessons are also strongly encouraged.
Private Lessons
With Mid-State Auditions just months away, now is the time to get your son/daughter studying privately. Below is a list of some fabulous teachers in the Nashville area that teach privately. Keep in mind that performing at a high calibur on your instrument can get you several music scholarships, even if you don't major in music in college!
Private Teacher List